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Portfolio/Website Design

2018. Good Neighbors 희망가족행사 Page Company. Good Neighbors Project Title. 희망가족행사 Page Date. 2018.03 Copyrightⓒ by Sim. All pictures cannot be copied without permission.
2018. Good Neighbors Members Schedule Page Company. Good Neighbors Project Title. Good Members Day Schedule Page Date. 2018.01 Copyrightⓒ by Sim. All pictures cannot be copied without permission.
2017. Good Neighbors Global Site Mobile Navi Company. Good Neighbors Project Title. Global Site Mobile Navi Date. 2017.12 Copyrightⓒ by Sim. All pictures cannot be copied without permission.
2017. Good Neighbors Global Site Renewal Main Company. Good Neighbors Project Title. Global Site Renewal Date. 2017.12 Copyrightⓒ by Sim. All pictures cannot be copied without permission.
2016. Hangeul House Brand Site Sub Company. Hangeul House (Freelancer) Project Title. 공간제작소 Site Sub Date. 2016.08 Copyrightⓒ by Sim. All pictures cannot be copied without permission.
2016. Hangeul House Brand Site Main Company. Hangeul House (Freelancer) Project Title. 공간제작소 Site Main Date. 2016.08 background 부분은 영상 처리. Copyrightⓒ by Sim. All pictures cannot be copied without permission.
2016. Hangeul House Brand Site Main Sian Company. Hangeul House (Freelancer) Project Title. 공간제작소 Site Main Sian Date. 2016.08 백그라운드 부분은 영상 처리. Copyrightⓒ by Sim. All pictures cannot be copied without permission.
2016. Hangeul House Landing Page Company. Hangeul House (Freelancer) Project Title. Landing Page Date. 2016.07 Copyrightⓒ by Sim. All pictures cannot be copied without permission.